Thursday, April 1, 2010


Sound straight from the twilight
Has me up all night
I can't fall asleep 'cause I keep thinking of you
And I saw a shadow outside my window and it's you.

All my sorrows flew away
Hush, keep quiet, hear me say
I don't ever want you to go
Please stay
With the moonlight dancing free
And there's no one but you and me
There's no reason to go astray
Please stay.

Making up a story
It's the way you're looking at me
If you think that this is funny, it's just you.

Try and think about it,
If you're heart is closed don't lock it,
Keep your keys back in your pocket,
Think this through.


Please stay with me
Just stay with me
and I will take you to Foreverland
Just stay

++ Live.Life.Cool ++



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Love Purple and Maroon. Meluah kata kadang tidak semudah yang difikirkan. Pabila berbicara, banyak hati yang perlu dijaga sehingga ada kalanya kita terpaksa mengabaikan perasaan sendiri. Terkadang bila ingin meluah, lidah kelu untuk melontar butir kata. Gembira, marah, merajuk, suka, duka semuanya dipendam. Keterbatasan emosi membuat kita kerap menyimpan rasa dalam hati. Lantas ruang kecil ini aku jadikan satu medium untuk aku meluah rasa dan idea. Bahkan aku harap agar setiap emosi yang mewarnai diri ini akan menjadikan hidup aku lebih bermakna untuk aku kenangi sebagai kisah klasik yang indah.

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